.... As a small child I wanted to have a dog. I will always remember that moment, when I held my first "real" dog in my arms. It was a German spitz Niky. From then on, my dog story has begun... The time has gone, I grew up. Niky got old and I wanted a similar looking dog, but with a nicer character. So once during an exhibition, me and my husband met Samoyed for the first time. It was love at first sight. I only read about Samoyeds until then and the information about them was very brief. It didn´t take long and a young Samoyed lady called Zara became the member of our family. She was supposed to be "just our pet".....

I have never dreamed of having more Samoyeds, or of breeding our own puppies, that we would travel with dogs, visit dog camps and other various events, get engaged in different sport activities, have friends with common interest all over the world, to stand on the winner’s podium at prestigious exhibitions and having champions from several countries at home.....


... Everything turned out differently....
.... We went to the first exhibition, the first Samoyed camp, we became co-founders of the Samoyed Slovakia club ... and we could not stop that going train and did not want to stop...

We are grateful to Zara for the complete obsession with this breed, we have established a samoyed kennel, have brought the first litter to the world and then another...

Many dreams have been fulfilled, and even those we didn´t even dare to dream about....

I look forward to every single day, to see my pack of joyful furry Samoyed snowballs to jump around me with their tricksy gaze and never ceasing smile.. This gives me a dose of energy and my day is just more beautiful because of it 

Over the years we´ve experienced many ups and downs. This is why I am really grateful to my family and many friends for their permanent support, the opportunity to spread enlightenment about this lovely breed...

But now, we invite you to look for yourselves how we live our "Samoyed dream".....

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Use/Copying of photographies only with consent of Carpathian white smile.